We started the year looking for the ideal space for our brick and mortar. Several promising locations were investigated, but ultimately tabled for one reason or another.
February brought OwlCon and our first time back after Baby GeekLife joining us. The show went really well and we had a lot of support juggling convention responsibilities and mom duties. It really was a great start to the year.
We had really wanted to be open in time for Super Pi Day (March 14, 2015), but it wasn’t in the cards*. We continued to forge ahead though and we were in such heavy store opening mode, we were unable to commit to as many conventions this year.
As it was, we had already committed to our fourth Comicpalooza and we were happy we did. It was, yet again, an extremely fun convention and well received by all in attendance. After an amazing four days, it was full steam ahead on the storefront.
In August we secured a location and then it was a whirlwind of activity to get everything ready for opening.
On September 19, 2015 we held an invited preview party to kick off our soft opening. It was a lot of fun and got everyone excited for the new store. The next weekend we held a very successful Grand Opening celebration.
We don’t have any conventions scheduled for the rest of the year, but we look forward to our first Halloween Comic Fest and of course our very first Small Business Saturday.
We’re very excited to be able to share our vision of a geek club house with you and appreciate you taking this journey with us!
*but we think it was well worth the wait!