Published October 27, 2020

Standing pre-orders will be honored and a pick up will be coordinated with anyone who purchased product that will be arriving after November 30.
While we plan to be able to honor gift cards when we are on the other side of this, we cannot guarantee when that will be, so be sure to use your gift cards in person or online before November 30th.
I am reevaluating our business model and hope to make some exciting announcements in the near future. This is not the end of GeekLife, it is merely the beginning of a metamorphosis. So stay tuned and see where the adventure leads. When it is safe, we will also be planning a reunion party.
We miss ALL OF YOU!
In the meantime, in order to avoid large storage fees, we are having a sale October 31 from 12pm-4pm.
Everything left in the store at that point will be for sale and on sale. Comics, books, games, toys, fixtures, etc. All at heavily reduced prices. Get in line early (SOCIALLY DISTANCED along the driveway side of the store) because we will only be letting 2 (MASKED) people in at a time & all items are first come, first serve.
We have persevered since March thanks to the strong support of our amazing community and for that, I cannot thank you enough. It has meant the world to me that you have continued to support us in various ways, large and small. For that I thank you, truly. This decision has not been made due to lack of support. In short, it is due to the global pandemic preventing us from safely hosting events, the need for my children to remotely attend school, and other personal reasons.
Be well and I hope to see you soon,
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