The outpouring of support for Houston and surrounding areas is incredibly heartwarming. It is so wonderful to see our community pulling together to help each other out in so many different ways, large and small.
Many stores have organized supply donation drives and volunteer efforts of varying ways and GeekLife has been working on how we can contribute in our own way.
Supplies and volunteers will be crucial resources for those displaced from their homes for an indeterminate amount of time and we applaud everyone doing their part to assist those who have lost so much.
The outpouring of support has been so monumental that the large shelters have stopped accepting donations (and volunteers at some places as well). The smaller shelters throughout the region are still accepting donations, so please considering supporting them. There are many resources popping up to attempt to streamline matching the needs and resources. Here are a couple of links that you may find helpful if you are looking to get donations into the hands of those that need them.
With the necessities being so abundantly covered, we have been hesitant to organize a supply drive of our own.
I was heartbroken to learn that one of our community lost everything. The good news is that they are safe. But when trying to figure out what we could do to help, it occurred to me that that while clothing and hygiene supplies are pouring in, creature comforts will be the lowest of priority. But, these small comforts can bring some small solace in these extremely stressful times.
To that end, GeekLife will be accepting donations so that we can replace games, books and comics lost in the floods from Harvey. Payments sent via PayPal to will be used to buy replacements. In the interest of transparency, anyone who donates will be given access to a drop box with screen shots of balances collected (personally-identifying info redacted) and invoices from vendors (reflecting payments made).
Anyone whose games, books or comics were destroyed, can contact us through this form.
Replacement orders will be made periodically. Do not worry about not having a place to take new items. We will put your order in once we know that you have a place to enjoy them once they arrive. We will not be able to ship replacement items, but may be able to coordinate alternate pick up if you are unable to reach the store.
The entire region has a long road to recovery ahead, but we will persevere. HoUSton Strong.

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